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Author: CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN TẬP ĐOÀN NAGAKAWA 08:44, 22/09/2023

Being one of the leading businesses in carrying out measures and commiting to eliminate ozone-damaging cooling solvent,, Nagakawa group continues to organise National training conference 2023 on the topic of coverting to HFC-32 cooling solvent within the framework of the "Management plan to eliminate HCFCs in Vietnam phase II" (HPMP II) of the Climate Change Department, funded by the Multilateral fund implementing the Montreal Protocol through the World Bank's sponsorship.

According to Climate Change Vulnerability Index, evaluation of vunerability on 42 economic, social and environmental factors for the next 30 years, Vietnam ranks 23 out of 193 countries and is one of the 30 countries with "very high risk". The problem of economic development parallels with lasting development, protecting the environment is a very daunting problem for Vietnamese society and businessses.

In 2021, BQLDA HPMP II, Climate Change Department, Ministry of Natural Resourse and Environment and Nagakawa Company have signed a subproject financing agreement on elimination of HCFC-22 technology and switching to HFC-32 in producing air conditioner at Nagakawa Company.
According to the agreement, BQLDA HPMP II helped Nagakawa Company to organise "Ensure safety in maintaining and fixing air conditioner using HFC-32" training program. This is also an event chain conducted anually by Nagakawa Group in the progress of eliminating HCFC - ozone-damaging cooling solvent used in air conditioners. By that, Nagakawa commits to accompany with the Government to eliminate 35% HCFC baseline consumption during 2020-2025.

Nagakawa Group's national training program on maintenance and repair of air conditioners using HFC-32 on 16/9/2023 

Training conference on 16/9/2023 was conducted at Muong Thanh Luxury Quang Ninh hotel with hundreds of learners from Nagakawa authorized warranty station units nationwide. The program also saw the attendance of representatives of the HPMP II Project Management Board, the Department of Climate Change and leading lecturers and experts in the heat and refrigeration industry from Hanoi College of Electronics and Refrigeration. The training content is specifically designed for students who are Nagakawa service station technicians. In an open and interesting learning atmosphere, the lecturers provided useful in-depth knowledge about HFC-32 refrigerant (also known as R32 gas), good practice techniques when recovering refrigerant. refrigerant, pressure testing and sealing testing techniques as well as safe HFC-32 refrigerant charging practices during repair and maintenance of air conditioning products using HFC-32.

Mr. Đặng Quang Hùng - Member of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Refrigeration Science and Technology Association, Head of the Department of Heat and Refrigeration Technology - Hanoi College of Electronics and Refrigeration directly teaches at the program

Not only with the goal of helping improve professional techniques, within the framework of the training program, representatives of the HPMP II Project, the Department of Climate Change, shared with all students relevant policies and legal regulations. related to the management and elimination of HCFCs and HFCs in Vietnam. In particular, the program was chosen by Nagakawa to be held on September 16 - International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer with the meaning of helping students deeply understand the consequences of climate change on the environment, through That raises and spreads awareness of environmental protection.

Mr. Lê Anh Dũng – HPMP II Project representative shared about Vietnam's policies and legal regulations in the management and elimination of controlled substances.

After 21 years of construction and development, Nagakawa Group has always attached great importance to its responsibility to people, society and the environment. Nagakawa is one of the leading refrigeration enterprises in setting goals of reducing greenhouse emissions, reducing carbon footprint in the industrial production chain, and incorporating maximum energy saving solutions into products. By converting to HFC-32 (R32) refrigerant, Nagakawa air conditioners are not only environmentally friendly but also improve performance and save energy, being a typical product in the conversion strategy. Green of the Group.

Nagakawa aims to join hands with the Government to eliminate 35% of baseline consumption of HCFCs in the period 2020-2025

In addition to actively participating in the HPMP II Project, Nagakawa continues to cooperate closely with the Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to discuss the contents of the phase III project.

For more details about the program: or Hotline: 1900 54 54 89

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