Step 1: Visit the website and select the product to buy

Step 2: Click and the product you want to buy, the screen shows pop up with the following options:

If you want to continue shopping: Click on the continue shopping section to choose to add products to the cart

If you want to see the shopping cart to update the product: Click to see the shopping cart

If you want to order and pay for this product please click: Order and pay

Step 3: Select payment account information

If you already have an account, please enter your username and password into the account on the system

If you do not have an account and want to register an account, please fill in the personal information to continue to register an account. Once you have an account, you can easily track your order

If you want to make a purchase without an account please click on the order without an account

Step 4: Fill in your information to receive the order, choose the form of payment and shipping for your order

Step 5: Review the order information, fill in the annotation and submit the order

After receiving the order you send, we will contact you by calling back to confirm your order and address.

Best Regards.